

The ENAC experts transfer their know how through assistance in review and development of regulations, procedures, plans, documents and organisation.

Details are designed together by ENAC and DGCA, to be coherent and adequate with regard to the objectives of the project and to the real needs of DGCA.

In the spirit of true partnership, ENAC privilege an approach based on the direct involvement of DGCA staff, rather than a top-down delivery of assistance.

Through the Twinning project ENAC does not reproduce its own national system, but rather help DGCA in the reform of the domestic system to meet the EU standards.

The experience achieved by ENAC in previous Projects ensures effectiveness, efficiency, avoidance of duplications and best conditions for creating synergies.


General working principles:


  • focus on knowledge transfer and capacity building (based on the extensive experience that many ENAC team members have as trainers, in addition to their professional careers),
  • teamwork at practice (the ENAC in-house way of working is based on teamwork; the experience achieved so far ensures good results),
  • thoughtful action (no jump to rush conclusions but conclusions are based on thorough analysis and discussion with the beneficiary),
  • solution focused (help the staff members to develop their own capacity to find the solution themselves, in order to consolidate the basis for an autonomous Authority),
  • building social relationships (try to create an atmosphere of trust, confidentiality and openness),
  • building ownership (the creative potential of the DGCA staff is assisted, guided and helped by ENAC experts in order to develop within DGCA a “sense of ownership” for the solutions designed and the proposals made by the twinning project).


The activities are accomplished in parallel as much as possible.


ENAC is highly committed in introducing the best European practices and in ensuring the achievement of the overall objectives of the project not only through the budgeted activities but also through more informal exchanges, including provision of high level advice and input whenever needed, through the development of privileged relations between counterparts in the Member State, and the establishment of lasting relationships between institutions.

The overall working methods of Project management imply constant co-operation and communication among the members of the Project team, and if necessary, among the members of the Steering Committee. These include protocol planning meetings, ad-hoc meetings, discussions, and frequent and exhaustive communications.

The twinning partners work in close co-operation: the Lebanese beneficiaries specify their needs and draw conclusions, the STE’s analyse and evaluate documents and give feedback and recommendations for improvements.

The ENAC team work through a Project Leader, a Resident Twinning Adviser, two Component Coordinators and several Short Term Experts.

The administrative and financial activities of the project are accomplished by a Mandated Body, whose cooperation is the element that ensures an efficient program management, allowing the proper allocation and utilization of the EU funds.