Who we are


The partners implementing the project are Ente Nazionale per l’Aviazione Civile (ENAC), the Italian Civil Aviation Authority, Studiare Sviluppo S.r.l., acting as Mandated Body, the Lebanese MPWT-Directorate General of Civil Aviation.



Institutional framework

ENAC, Ente Nazionale per l’Aviazione Civile, is a Public Administration and was established by Law Decree 250/97 on July 1997 merging pre-existing administrations.

The Italian Air Navigation Code, under art. 687, states that ENAC is the only Civil Aviation Authority in Italy, so ENAC is in charge for the technical regulation, certification, supervision and control of the civil aviation sector. In the framework of EU regulations, ENAC is therefore the “Competent Authority” of Italy.

ENAC is engaged in dealing with all regulatory aspects of the air transport system as a whole and performs monitoring functions related to the enforcement of the rules applicable to technical, administrative and economic issues.

ENAC, in carrying out its functions, supports the development of the civil aviation by ensuring the Country, especially consumers and industry, the safety of aviation activities, the preservation of rights, the quality of services and fair competition within an environmentally friendly approach.


Safety and Security

ENAC’s core business is the Safety oversight function by means of which it ensures effective implementation of the safety-related standards and associated procedures issued by the European Union, by the European Aviation Safety Agency and by the International Civil Aviation Organization. Furthermore, ENAC actively participates in international initiatives aimed at increasing the safety of air transport in Europe, and cooperates, at various international levels, in the drafting of new standards and relevant procedures.

Security is understood as the land-side safeguard of passengers on board aircraft, inside and outside the airports, aimed at the prevention of illicit acts. ENAC is responsible for the implementation of the relevant measures in compliance with international requirements.


Passenger Rights

ENAC fulfils, inter alia, the objective of guaranteeing the quality of services rendered to consumers and the protection of passengers’ rights. ENAC has issued the Passenger’s Chart and the Chart of Airport Standard Services. The former document is a practical vademecum gathering the regulatory framework in force at national, European and International level, and explaining the claim and compensation procedures available to passengers in case of non compliance with the existing regulation on air passengers’ protection. The latter document sets out the minimum quality standards airport operators are bound to comply with, in relation to their relevant services.

ENAC has been nominated as the National Enforcement Body for the implementation of the applicable EU Regulations.



ENAC is strongly engaged at national and international level in pushing forward decision making processes for a policy of environmental and territorial protection. This is carried out through attentive assessments aiming at limiting the environmental impact on airport areas and reducing aircraft acoustic and atmospheric pollution.


International activity

ENAC represents Italy in the major international civil aviation organizations such as the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC), the European Union (EU), the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (Eurocontrol).

ENAC cooperates with these institutions in all activities aimed at regulating and controlling the sector and promoting the development of civil aviation. Within these organizations, ENAC supports the position of Italy on various issues of strategic interest such as safety, security, quality of airport services and enforcement of passengers’ rights, the development of airport infrastructures, economic and air transport regulation, EU External Relations, airspace regulation and environment.


Other core activities

In addition to the issues referred to above, and according to the institutional mandate, ENAC performs:

  • national supervisor authority functions in ATM/ANS,
  • preliminary inquiries leading to the entrustment to joint-stock companies of total management of airports concessions,
  • enforcement of the Legislative Decree regarding the free access to the market of handling services in national airports,
  • regulating procedures of airport services,
  • certification of handling service providers,
  • examination and assessment of land use projects and intervention programmes, as well as investments and airport development,
  • preliminary evaluation of acts regarding tariffs and airport charges,
  • evaluation of the conditions for warranting the application of state funded fares on certain city pairs,
  • certification of personnel operating in the aeronautical/air navigation field,
  • enforcement of recommendations issued by the National Flight Safety Agency.


Structure and staff

ENAC is composed of:

  • an Headquarter in Rome, where Regulation Dept., Central Oversight Dept., Air Transport Dept., and Administrative Dept. are located,
  • several airport oversight units in the most important domestic airports
  • four safety oversight units (northwest, northeast, middle, south regions)

The current staff is around 720 persons, of which

  • 5% managers
  • 23% professionals
  • 3% flight inspectors
  • 10% air transport officers
  • 22% airport inspectors
  • 37% administrative

Professionals (engineers with university degree) and flight inspectors (pilots) are responsible for safety activities, including oversight of operations, airworthiness, air space and aerodrome safety; air transport officers are responsible for economic aspects of air transport, handling services, airport/ANS charges, etc..; airport inspectors and some administrative are responsible for security and surveillance of airport activities


Studiare Sviluppo


Studiare Sviluppo Srl is an in-house agency of the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance working on behalf of the latter Ministry as well as of a number of other central Public Administrations including, inter alia, the Italian Customs Agency, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Ministry of Environment, the Italian Civil Protection Agency, the Agency for International Cooperation, the Italian Gendarmerie (Arma dei Carabinieri), the Ministry of Infrastructure, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Cultural activities, etc..

Studiare Sviluppo implements its mandate at both the domestic and the international level.

At the domestic level, Studiare Sviluppo supports its partner administrations in designing, planning,

implementing, monitoring and evaluating public policies and programmes in a number of sectors, including (sustainable) economic and social development, public investments & infrastructure, energy efficiency, financial support to SMEs, project finance.

Studiare Sviluppo boasts a unique experience in designing and implementing projects related to the use of EU structural funds for implementing regional and local economic and cohesion policies, mainly in the South of Italy.

At the international level, Studiare Sviluppo is specialized in the design and implementation of EU Grant and Twinning projects specifically in the IPA and ENI. The capacity building support of Studiare Sviluppo covers a number of sectors swinging from Support to Trade to Sustainable Socio-Economic Development from Security and Public Health, to Civil Protection, from Public sector reform process to alignment to the European/International Standards in a number of sectors.

Studiare Sviluppo boasts an internal staff of about 30 persons and a selected network of long and short-term experts with sound international experience.

As a public consulting company, Studiare Sviluppo provides technical assistance and institutional support with a unique matching of a consultancy’s operational approach and institutional know-how deriving from its peculiar status of public in-house company. The specific field of actions can be grouped into the following main categories:

  • European enlargement and partnerships programmes: Support in the design and implementation of institutional building and reform projects, in the field of European enlargement and neighbouring process, including, inter alia, sustainable development, combating of illicit trafficking, security at the borders, internal security and judiciary, etc.;
  • Socio-economic development: Support in the design and implementation of socio-economic and sustainable development projects and programmes;
  • Upgrading of capacities and competencies: Provision of specialized services to public Administrations related to the upgrading of competences, including complex training programmes, as well as support to design and implementation of communication, visibility and awareness programmes and campaigns.
  • Feasibility Studies and Research: in such fields as socio-economic and sustainable development, energy, decentralisation and fiscal policies, security at borders, management of cultural heritage and many other issues.

Since 2006, Studiare Sviluppo acts as EU Mandated body of many Italian Public Administrations in charge of the overall project management and organization of different twinning and capacity building projects. To this end, Studiare Sviluppo, also in this twinning, will provide services as: administrative and financial management, financial reporting, logistic and backstopping activities, tendering/procurement, contracting, payment, monitoring, visibility, communications and events organization. In the past 10 years, Studiare Sviluppo has implemented 33 EU twinning projects, in addition to further 20 international technical assistance projects, including IPA/ENI countries.


MPWT-Directorate General of Civil Aviation (www.dgca.gov.lb/index.php/en/)

The DGCA was established through Decree 1610 of 26 July 1971 to manage the aviation sector in Lebanon and lies within the area of responsibility of the MPWT as one of the MPWT departments. The DGCA’s hierarchy is composed of the Meteorological Department, the Technical Directorate, the Flight Safety Department, the Air Transport Department, the Research and Studies Department, the Airports Directorate and Secretariat.


DGCA is charged with the following responsibilities:

  • Supervising air transport.
  • Supervising air navigation safety.
  • Ensuring civil aviation communications.
  • Promulgating laws concerning aircraft operation.
  • Controlling the implementation of these laws.
  • Managing civil airports.
  • Collecting the appropriate fees.

DGCA is also responsible, as service provider, for the management and operation of BIA and for the provision of the country’s air navigation services (ANS) including the provision of Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) and meteorology.



The Member States of the European Union have decided to link together their know-how, resources and destinies. Together, they have built a zone of stability, democracy and sustainable development whilst maintaining cultural diversity, tolerance and individual freedoms. The European Union is committed to sharing its achievements and its values with countries and peoples beyond its borders.