ITALY – Ente Nazionale per l’Aviazione Civile
LEBANON – Ministry of Public Works and Transport Directorate General of Civil Aviation
The EU “Twinning Projects” are initiatives funded by the European Union to assist the countries having the willingness to harmonise their national institutions with the European standards.
This specific project is part of the wider objective of achievement of the Community “acquis” in the field of air transport, within the frames of the Association Agreement, the EU and Lebanon Partnership Priorities adopted for the years 2016-2020, and the programming document Single Support Framework for EU support to Lebanon (2017-2020).
The aim of the project is to provide expertise in order to develop the domestic aviation legal framework and development plans in line with the EU/ICAO standards and to contribute to institutional reform thereof.
Basic information
Beneficiary administration:
Lebanon, Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Directorate General of Civil Aviation (current Lebanese Civil Aviation Authority)
Twinning Sector:
EU funded budget (maximum amount of grant):
EUR 1.2 Million
Execution period (months):
24 months
Objective, purpose and achievements
The overall objective is to contribute to improving safety and security of civil aviation in Lebanon, through the adoption of best standards and practices, and enhancing the competences of the authorities.
The purpose is to improve the national legal framework, organizational structure and technical capacity of the Lebanese stakeholders in accordance with ICAO SARPs and EU legislation.
The results to be achieved point to the legal, institutional and administrative reinforcement of the civil aviation sector and to strengthening the administrative and technical capacity of Lebanese DGCA.
The domains affected by the project are:
ADR aerodromes
AIR airworthiness
ANS/ATM air navigation services / air traffic management
DGs dangerous goods
FCL flight crew licensing
MED medical part of flight crew licensing
OPS flight operations
ORG organisation
QMS quality
SAFA safety assessment of foreign aircraft
SEC security
SMS safety management system
SSP state safety programme
TNG training